Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Santiago Essay Reflection

Determination one of the important characteristics that help Santiago archive is destiny. This is also one of the character traits that i posses that keep me on tract and help me achieve my goals in life. I encounter many problems on my way to success but my will or determination keeps me trying and focused on what I want to complete. When i first went to middle school i was very impulsive and i got into a lot of trouble especially in grade 7. I thought that i would never get over this habbit but with my determination i was able to i never stopped trying to improve on my self. And my determination is still bringing me forward. I know i still need to improve but i have gotten very far. I do use my other traits but this was the trait i use to bring me forward. Just like santiago I use my to determination to help me full fill my destiny. i am not sure yet what i want and i am still confused and debating about what i want to do but i am using my determination to help me with this decision. Determination helped me climb my mountains.

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