Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Flood of Love


Floods through the window

Garlanding you with warmth

keeping you craving for more
I choose love because love is one of the most important part in our life because with out it we would be lost, lonly. Love is something that just comes to you. That is why i choose the word floods throug the window. it somes in smooth but jet strong it hypnotizes you and it swoops you off your stable grond and out of your confourt zone. And I choose craving for more love just pulls you with it and you want more and more it is just a great feeling to have. Love also keept santiago going in the knovel it kept him determind and in the end he got his love for ever. Love a flood of warmth that swips you of your feet. Love is unbreakable when you find the right one.

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