Monday, May 3, 2010

Writing Reflection

This year I think that I have improved a lot with my writing. Before I have very good ideas but I had problems writing them on paper and getting the message a cross. But now I am getting better at it. I also use a wider variety of vocabulary which also helped me with writing down my ideas clearer. I have improved a lot but I still need to work on organizing my writing and working on making my introductions and conclusions better. From the Alchemist essay to the J.C essay I did improve but during the J.C essay I got nevus because I got my organization wrong the first time so I needed to restart and I was under pressure and I did not do so well. But over all the writing was better there was more vocab, I had better organization and I was not as repetitive with my evidence. I have Grown as a writer but still need to work on a lot.

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